Creating a mybookstore database in SQL Server

This article explains how to create (and use) mybookstore database in SQL Server.


  1. SQL Server (2008 or higher) – I am going to use SQL Server 2016 for this walk through.
  2. mybookstore.sql – script file containing list of tables, columns and sample records


  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Connect using your correct credentials.
  3. From the Object Explorer (shortcut key F8), right click Databases folder then choose New Database…
  4. From New Database window, input mybookstore as the database name. 
  5. Change database Initial Size (MB) between 4 MB to 8 MB (optional)
  6. Click OK button proceed.
  7. Open mybookstore.sql from SQL Server Management Studio. The contents of the script file must be visible from a new query tab.
  8. Click Execute (shortcut key F5) button to run the queries.
  9. After the queries are executed successfully, the Messages section must display that rows have been affected.
  10. Double-check the design of mybookstore database by opening it from Object Explorer. Under Tables folder, it must contain five (5) different database tables:
  11. You may also check for sample records by opening a table. Simply right click the chosen table then choose Select Top 1000 Rows…
  12. From the Results tab, SQL Server Management Studio displays sample records.



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