This article explains how to create (and use) mybookstore database in SQL Server.
- SQL Server (2008 or higher) – I am going to use SQL Server 2016 for this walk through.
- mybookstore.sql – script file containing list of tables, columns and sample records
- Open SQL Server Management Studio.
- Connect using your correct credentials.
- From the Object Explorer (shortcut key F8), right click Databases folder then choose New Database…
- From New Database window, input mybookstore as the database name.
- Change database Initial Size (MB) between 4 MB to 8 MB (optional)
- Click OK button proceed.
- Open mybookstore.sql from SQL Server Management Studio. The contents of the script file must be visible from a new query tab.
- Click Execute (shortcut key F5) button to run the queries.
- After the queries are executed successfully, the Messages section must display that rows have been affected.
- Double-check the design of mybookstore database by opening it from Object Explorer. Under Tables folder, it must contain five (5) different database tables:
- You may also check for sample records by opening a table. Simply right click the chosen table then choose Select Top 1000 Rows…
- From the Results tab, SQL Server Management Studio displays sample records.
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